There is a time for colour and I will never give up an all black look. But sometimes I am just in the mood for soft neutrals.
I went for a style mix and paired basic trousers and my casual knitted cardigan {last seen here and here} with a silky lace top and my new pearl necklace which Jasmin - one of my photographers - gave me for Christmas. Thank you so much, dear Jasi.
amazing weather and temperatures here in the mountains of Southern Bavaria over the past weeks allowed me to wear heels
instead of boots and there was no need for a warm coat, gloves and a hat!
Top Bon'a Parte | lovely options by Oasis
Necklace H&M | gorgeous necklaces by amika and Vera Wang {sale}
Knitted Cardigan H&M | cosy style via Piperlime and by Eddie Bauer
Trousers Mango {almost same} | similar options by Gap and Old Navy
Heels Deichmann | love these patent heels by Gabor and these by MK
Clutch H&M | nice options by Dorothy Perkins and asos
Bracelets and Ring various | beautiful also by Accessorize and via Zappos
Sunglasses original RayBan Wayfarers

Manchmal ist mir nach Farbe, ein anderes Mal greife ich auf meinen geliebten, komplett schwarzen Look zurück und heute war es ein neutrales Outfit in Beigetönen.
Damit es nicht langweilig wurde, habe ich im Stilmix eine beige Hose und meine gemütliche Strickjacke {hier und hier getragen} mit einem seidigen Spitzentop und meiner neuen Perlenkette kombiniert, die mir Jasmin, die sonst meine Fotos macht, zu Weihnachten geschenkt hat. Herzlichen Dank, liebe Jasi.
Wetter hier im Voralpenland hat mich in letzter Zeit verwöhnt - kein Schnee, dafür viel
blauer Himmel, strahlender Sonnenschein und relativ milde Temperaturen.
Also durften Stiefel, Mantel, Mütze und Schal gerne im Schrank bleiben!

Photos by Alena - meet me stylish
Top Bon'a Parte | lovely options by Oasis
Necklace H&M | gorgeous necklaces by amika and Vera Wang {sale}
Knitted Cardigan H&M | cosy style via Piperlime and by Eddie Bauer
Trousers Mango {almost same} | similar options by Gap and Old Navy
Heels Deichmann | love these patent heels by Gabor and these by MK
Clutch H&M | nice options by Dorothy Perkins and asos
Bracelets and Ring various | beautiful also by Accessorize and via Zappos
Sunglasses original RayBan Wayfarers
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